The history of America is full of dramatic struggles and the whole world is often influenced by it. However, some of the things believed to be “common knowledge” are usually not accurately put across. So what is true and what isn’t?
1. The first car was actually NOT American

As much as America would love to take pride in being the first ones to produce a car with Ford’s Model T, somebody was ahead. Karl Benz the German engineer created horseless carriages and also did the patenting of the very first automobile. This was in the 19th century, almost an entire century ahead of what Ford produced.
2. Washington DC was NOT always the capital of the United States

The capital of the United States was initially Philadelphia after which a number of other cities were selected to be the capital. Some of these are Baltimore, Annapolis, Trenton, and even the Big Apple, New York City – they all took turns being the heart of the counrty, before settling for the present one. Washington was therefore not always the capital.
3. Abraham Lincoln did NOT have the slaves in mind

Lincoln has brought us the Emancipation Proclamation – but it was certainly not out of the goodness and warmth of his heart. His goal was to save the Union at all costs. It just happened that freeing the slaves served the purpose of saving the Union, so he went for it.
4. Albert Einstein was NOT failing at Math

There were rumors that this particular genius was bad at math when he was still in school as a boy. Hard to believe this right? Contrarily, by the time he got to fifteen years old, Albert Einstein had very well mastered differential and integral calculus. So there goes reason to put your best foot forward. Reason to work hard.
5. Thomas Edison is NOT responsible for inventing electricity

All Thomas Edison did was taking and patenting the findings of real inventors. Patenting them made it look like he invented them. In reality, Nikola Tesla is the one who invented the alternating current electricity supply system, while Warren De La Rue came up with the light bulb.
6. Fourth of July is NOT the date on which The Declaration of Independence was signed

That’s right. Fourth of July is actually the date on which it was revised. The Continental Congress did both the voting and drafting on the second of July. Then followed the revision, but The Declaration of Independence was
7. Mickey Mouse was NOT drawn by Walt Disney

Mickey Mouse is definitely the first character that pops into one’s head when they think about Disney because it is the most famous one. Many think Walt Disney drew it. The Mickster was definitely Walt Disney’s idea but Ub Iwerks is the one who actually did the design work and drew Mickey from ears to toes.
8. Walt Disney’s head was NOT frozen

There is a widespread rumor that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen but no, it is not true. Walt Disney was actually cremated and his ashes were spread in a lake. Imagine this, if his ashes would have been left in sleeping beauty’s castle then maybe one day after some years he would actually wake up.
9. Thanksgiving was NOT a celebration

According to experts, the pilgrims just decided to go to the Native Americans’ teepee steps with the intention of stealing their food. They somehow thought they would all be either seriously sick from the plague or dead altogether and figured the stealing would be easier for them to do.
10. Pocahontas was NOT in love with John Smith

First of all, John Smith and his people invaded Pocahontas’ land and showed disrespect to her people, so why would she fall in love with him? It does not make sense. She just saved his life because peace was important to her at the time, between natives and colonizers, and she just wanted to preserve it.
11. Charles Lindbergh is NOT really a hero

He was not one because first of all, he was a Nazi-sympathizer and second, Charles Lindbergh was not the first person to cross the transatlantic by means of an airplane. Alcock and Brown, two British aviators had actually done this eight years earlier than him in the year 1919.
12. Cowboys NEVER wore cowboy hats

While the boots found at Payless might have been based on some kind of historical fashion, the giant hats you will find at your local costume shop were not. It may be hard to believe but cowboys did not wear such hats but actually opted for Bowler hats instead.
13. Jonathan Appleseed DID actually exist

He was real although his last name was Chapman. He was definitely a pioneer nurseryman. Jonathan introduced apple trees to the East coast as well as large parts of the Midwest. People certainly love picking apples come fall and all apple lovers should be very grateful to him.
14. America was NOT discovered by Christopher Columbus

Leif Erikson was the one responsible for discovering America in the tenth century. Columbus mistook the place for India actually and only managed to land in South/Central America. Leif hopped off the boat in that tenth century and thus discovered the land.
15. It is certainly NOT illegal to burn the American flag

It is actually allowed depending on certain situations. In as much as it is considered a radical act, burning the American flag is within the law. You will be protected by the first amendment that generally protects the freedom of speech among citizens.
16. George Washington was NOT America’s first president

Before him, fourteen different people had ruled as the presidents of the United States. George Washington was just the first elected president. Who created this myth though? So widespread. George was certainly not the one. It surely couldn’t have been him. After all, George Washington couldn’t lie.
17. Pirates have not been existent for a long time

Many believe that pirates were only present until some time in the eighteenth century. They were actually still looting in certain cities, blowing holes in ships as well as keelhauling even in the nineteenth century. It is said that one of the last ones was captured in the year 1832.
18.They NEVER burnt witches on the stake

It is believed that Salem witches were either stoned or drowned as opposed to being set on fire. Apparently, this was in order to give them the chance to prove their magic powers by saving themselves. The burning is not true. It never happened. That aside, 20 innocent women still lost their lives.
19. The Wild West WASN’T as wild as you might think

Many people associate the Wild West with bank robberies or maybe towns that were too small for two tough cowboys. The truth actually is that there were only twelve robberies at that time and gun violence in addition to that, has actually increased significantly since that era by a whopping 100,000%.
20. Feminists do NOT burn their bras

At some point in time, there was a protest in Atlantic City, New Jersey whereby bras, high heels and girdles were set on fire. That might have taken place but it was pretty much the end of it. It was just one protest and has not happened again.